Netflix dropped the reality dating show Love is Blind in February and has since captured viewers’ souls, attention, and hours of their day.

The concept of the show is to find out if love really is blind. With Nick and Vanessa Lachey as hosts, they place a woman and man in separate pods where they talk to each other through the wall. They can’t see each other but they can hear each other. Eventually, the point of the show is for the couples to find their future husband or wife and create a foundation for their relationship before seeing each other. Amber is one of the lucky ladies on the show that captured the attention of many viewers and it’s for good reason, too. Let’s take a look at 10 of her best and worst moments!

Best: Her Reaction To Seeing Barnett For The First Time

Considering Barnett was entertaining three different women at the start of the show, viewers had no idea who he was going to choose as his hopeful fiancé. He ended up proposing to Amber while in the pod and the moment they first saw each other was one of the more comical ones.

Their physical connection was obvious and it was clear there was an energy between the two. She was stunned by how attractive she found him and couldn’t help but drool over how hot her new man was!

Worst: Her Mounds Of Debt

Talking about your finances isn’t really a first-date conversation so it’s understandable that Barnett and Amber didn’t talk about their finances until after they saw each other’s respective houses. However, for the first time in the season, we saw Barnett silent with fear.

Seeing how established he was, it was upsetting that Amber didn’t give him a heads up about her debt. But what was more upsetting was how emotional she got by talking about it. Thankfully for Amber, Barnett took the whole situation and stride and the two moved past it but it is concerning how nonchalant she was about her poor financial situation.

Best: The Birthday Party She Threw Him

After everyone gets engaged and is getting to know each other more in shared apartments, Amber decides to throw Barnett a birthday bash in a common area. She invites everyone from the show to celebrate and it turns out being a fun night (regardless of how drunk Jessica got).

When you think about it, this was a big moment in their relationship. It was the first birthday as a couple and it was sweet to see Amber make a big deal out of her fiance’s big day. She set everything up and made it special for him, which is a little sneak peek at their potential future together.

Worst: Is She Overcompensating For Something?

While there’s nothing wrong with public displays of affection or being excited about a new relationship, Amber seemed a little too boisterous about her first night alone with Barnett. It was almost as if she was over-acting to prove a point that they were so perfectly matched, both mentally and physically.

She didn’t need to prove that she and Barnett were super compatible with the rest of the cast but she couldn’t help herself. While other couples like Jessica and Mark and Kelly and Kenny kept their bedroom lives private for a while, Amber was not shy about letting out secrets.

Best: Her Confidence In Their Relationship

You don’t need to be a fan of the show to realize that Jessica was hung up on Barnett even though she chose Mark and Barnett chose Amber. It’s hard to find an episode where Jessica doesn’t mention Barnett in a sentence.

In the midst of Jessica’s tipsy beach conversation with Barnett, Amber looked calm, cool, and collected. You have never seen a more confident woman than Amber when Barnett was having his ear talked off by Jessica. That’s a woman who knows her relationship is real. 

Worst: Her Lack Of Motivation

In the episode where the couples show each other where they live, Amber is taken back by how beautiful Barnett’s home is. She hopes to make it her own one day when the two get married but the conversation didn’t go the way she had hoped. The two begin talking about finances and it’s clear that Amber’s finances are not where she’d like them.

As she said, she never worked towards the future until she met Barnett. The two worked through the conversation but later when the two are planning their wedding, he went to work all day and she stayed at home drinking wine and watching Netflix.

Best: Her Vulnerability And Honesty Is Refreshing

In the second episode, Amber and Barnett are connecting through the pods when Amber tells Barnett a dark secret of hers. In one of her previous relationships, she had an abortion and had a hard time coping afterward.

To make matters worse, her boyfriend at the time was not helpful and judged her for being upset about her decision. Seeing her so open and vulnerable with a complete stranger was refreshing and it only made their bond stronger.

Worst: She Put Barnett In A Tough Situation

Once Barnett and Amber became engaged, their love story became real when they introduced each other to their families. Barnett loved Amber but he was a little worried about how his family would perceive her.

Amber lives on the wild side and is pretty goofy whereas Barnett’s family is traditional and conservative. Afterward, Amber quizzed Barnett on what he would do if his family didn’t accept her. Who would he choose, his new fiance or his family? Putting him in this kind of scenario was a lot to handle and he fell silent and emotion.

Best: She Did A Good Job Meeting His Family

While Barnett was worried about how Amber would act in front of his family, she actually conducted herself in a beautiful way. She’s a very outgoing person and was incredibly sweet to everyone in his family, even when they judged their relationship and hounded her with questions.

In the end, she stayed true to herself while also making a good impression. His family may need more time getting used to their son and brother being in a serious relationship but having someone as sweet as Amber makes it easy.

Worst: Threatening Jessica At Their Bachelorette

It’s understandable that Amber wasn’t fond of Jessica pulling Barnett aside for one-on-one conversations all the time. Especially when Jessica was low-key trying to get Barnett away from his fiance. However, talking about it when you’re drunk and celebrating a bachelorette party is probably not a good idea.

Jessica apologized for flirting with Barnett and didn’t mean anything by but Amber wasn’t buying her apology. She told her she would break her nose if she tried to weasel in between her and Barnett. No one can blame Amber for how she felt but threatening a woman on TV while intoxicated was in poor taste.