What Is It?

The best way to describe it is that it’s everything people love about kittens.  Cute, playful, and unpredictable.  Your kitty’s home has lots of activities and toys for you to find as the player.  Of course, the kitten is adorable!

If all you want to do is pet it, that will keep most kids occupied.  Feed it, play with it, you can even paw paint with it.  The app has seven different activities you can do with the kitty.

Who Is It Good For?

I’m a dog person, but this game even melted my heart a little.  I’m sure cat people would enjoy it, but the game targets little kids.  I can see this being a road-trip-worthy app with all the different options to explore.

Should You Download It?

The app takes up about 850MB, so it’s not for smaller devices. It also requires newer devices such as iPhone 5 or later. I’m keeping this one for the “are we there yet?” moments this summer. Comment