Let’s just put the facts on the table and we’ll let y’all speculate away… In January, Apple announced a deal in which it will spend $500 million over the next 5 years on LG displays.  The money was a pre-payment.  In Late April, the Register and Smarthouse both said that Apple would be using a new 15-inch LG OLED display in an upcoming MacBook Pro product: “An LG staffer has made the very bold claim that 15in Apple notebooks equipped with OLED displays will appear within months… the mole added that once Apple’s unveiled its 15in OLED notebook, LG will then launch its own standalone 15in OLED panels later in the year.” As you probably know, Apple hasn’t released any OLED MacBook Pro goodness upon the world yet, though we’d imagine one would sell pretty well to high-enders. This week, however, LG announced their new 15-inch OLED display.  So, we do know that a 15-inch OLED display from LG exists.  These aren’t going to hit the streets until November and judging by the Sony 11" OLED TV’s $2500 price tage, they’ll be expensive.  And those streets are Korean streets.  Western shores aren’t going to see these things until 2010.   

On the other hand, Microsoft has an OLED ZuneHD coming out this month for $200 so there might be some price flexibility.  (Some think Apple’s high end iPod Touches may also see some new OLED screens as well) Speaking of flexibility, OLED screens are semi-flexible, allowing them to be made into curved surfaces.