The LG G7 ThinQ was launched in 2018 May with flagship-grade specifications. The device has received so many good responses from the users and critics. It was launched with Android 8.0 Oreo out-of-the-box and upgradable to Android Pie. Now, the company has started rolling out Android 9 Pie update to the device for a specific carrier version. LG G7 ThinQ US Cellular gets Android 9 Pie update with system improvements and some of the bug fixes as well.

As the Android Q official stable announcement is a few months left, LG is quite busy in providing software updates with the Android Pie version to its selected devices. As we all know that the South-Korean Multinational Electronics company LG is quite slow in terms of the delivering software updates to its devices than other OEMs. They offer great value for money devices but the LG’s custom skin is buggy as compared to other custom skins as well.

LG G7 ThinQ US Cellular gets Android 9 Pie Update Details:

The new software version brings some of the improvements and fixes to the system for better user experience. It weighs around 3.31GB in size with the software version number of G710VM20b. Though there is no official changelog available yet. We have to wait for the complete changelog. But as we all know that the Android 9.0 Pie is one of the most important and popular Android OS versions to date.

The Pie update brings so many useful and unique features to the Android devices and custom skins. Such as Digital Wellbeing, Adaptive Battery & Brightness, App Slices, App Timer, App Actions, and more. It also includes the Swipe Gesture Navigation, Recent UI, Improved Privacy features, Quick Shortcut toggle, New Notification Panel, Volume Sliders, etc.

Check for OTA Updates Manually

If you haven’t received the update yet on your phone, you can check for the OTA update notification manually from your device.

IMEI Number: 3570180900xxxxx Model: LMG710VM Suffix: AUCLOP Region: UCL Version: G710VMX20B_00 Operating System: Android 9.0 Pie KDZ: G710VMX20b_00_USC_US_OP_0531.kdz Size: 3.5GB

  • Just head over to the device Settings > About Device > Update Center > Software Updates.
  • If the update is available for your device, then just Download and Install it.

Additionally, if you don’t want to wait for a long and know the firmware flashing process on an LG device via kdz firmware file, follow the guide.


  • A PC/Laptop and a USB Cable is required.
  • Download LG Flash Tool and LG UP Software.
  • LG Bridge software – Download and install it on your PC.
  • Download LG USB Drivers and install it on your PC.
  • Make sure to take a full backup of device data first.
  • Charge your device up to 50% at least before proceeding to the flashing steps.

Steps to Install Stock Firmware on LG G7 ThinQ

So, that’s it. You have successfully installed firmware update kdz file on LG G7 ThinQ.

  • G710VMX10N_02 – Android Oreo – G710VMX10n_02_USC_US_OP_0509.kdz (3.26GB)
  • G710VMX20B – Android Pie – G710VMX20b_00_USC_US_OP_0531.kdz (3.31GB)