The infamous hacking group Lulzec finished their fifty day string of high profile hackings with the release of some AT&T internal documents. Jonathan at iFans discovered a section of the documents that discusses AT&T’s 4G LTE rollout. Of note, a particular document slide points to an LTE-capable iPad.

Specifically, as you can in the LTE slide above, AT&T will be testing (or already tested) “iPad new activations HLS using the new rate plan.” This document was found in a November 2010 filing by AT&T, so we are unsure if this was testing in November 2010, or that document referenced the 2011 roadmap as well. The document itself is very unclear.

Additionally, if this November and December testing is in 2011, the rumors of a September iPad 3 with LTE can clearly be ruled out. An analyst reported earlier this month that according to supply chain sources, Apple is preparing a next-generation iPad with an improved display and LTE data. If the iPad gains LTE capabilities in 2012, the 6th generation iPhone in 2012 will likely also gain LTE data speeds.

Update: iFans found a page that might backup September iPhone 5 rumors. We definitely don’t think it means an LTE iPhone this year, though.  Full presentation linked here.

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