Deutsche Bank has published its annual Mapping the World’s Prices report, which includes a ranking of the cost of an iPhone in each of 33 countries. The 2017 version shows that Brazil is no longer the most expensive place to buy …

Instead, as Business Insider notes, the country has been overtaken by Turkey, where an iPhone 7 costs almost one-and-a-half times as much as it does in the USA.

Brazil is still next on the list, with a local price 37% above the U.S. price, which remains the cheapest.

It should be noted that the comparison is based on prices quoted on Apple’s website, and different tax treatments in different countries mean that the numbers are not always directly equivalent. U.S. prices don’t include sales tax, which would be payable by most buyers, while U.K. ones do include VAT – making the USA price appear lower than it really is.

The full ranking can be seen below.