Kong: Skull Island, Legendary Entertaintment’s latest foray into its Monsterverse franchise is right around the corner, hitting cinemas in just two weeks. Full length trailers for the feature film have been sparse since its initial announcement in what seems to be a reaction to some other tentpole movie’s marketing campaigns (i.e. Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice), where a lot of footage has been released prior to the movie’s opening. That being said, the television spots for the film have been plentiful, with 11 released to date.

Today Legendary released a new television spot for Kong: Skull Island titled The Rise of a King made up of 30 seconds of almost entirely new footage which you can view above.

The Rise of a King presumably marks the final television spot for Kong Skull Island and focuses almost entirely on the giant ape himself. Both the physical scale and the scope of the storytelling is given a nod with the idea of a “king” being thrown around in dialogue and shown in the physical difference between the human characters and their quarry. From different characters’ reactions audiences can get a sense of who may be a troublemaker throughout the film – Samuel L. Jackson, for example, takes the discovery in stride and is likely to be the person with the greatest expertise on this expedition. It actually recalls a lot of his performance for Jurassic Park.

With Kong: Skull Island about to be released in theaters worldwide it is wonderful to see a greater focus on the iconic character who is at the center of the movie. Fans of the King Kong franchise are certainly hoping that the giant ape will be introduced early – as opposed to an hour into the film, as in Peter Jackson’s King Kong (2005) – and be featured heavily – as opposed to Gareth Edward’s Godzilla (2014). The mystery surrounding Kong is the most fascinating thing about the property and it’s awesome to see it highlighted in this promo.

Conversely, television promos can be lifted from anywhere over the course of a movie, so it is difficult to make too many assumptions based off these 30 seconds. What it really lends is the insight into the cast of characters, especially Brie Larson’s character, who does get a fair bit to say in The Rise of the King, which is promising for her level of involvement in the feature film.

Next: Kong: Skull Island Clips & IMAX Video Preview Death & Spectacle

Kong: Skull Island hits theaters on Friday, March 10, 2017.

Source: Legendary Pictures

  • Kong: Skull Island Release Date: 2017-03-10