Kingdom Hearts is renowned for having a supremely convoluted storyline, and the ReMind DLC only makes everything even more confusing for fans. ReMind takes you back through the final battles of Kingdom Hearts 3, with a new story that helps flesh out events. On top of that, though, there’s a secret ending to unlock which really throws things for a loop.

The ending hours of Kingdom Hearts 3 have Sora and the Guardians of light finally doing battle with Xehanort and his cohorts. When all is said and done the heroes get a happy ending - except for Sora, who mysteriously disappears. ReMind gives us more context on the final battles of the Guardians, and gives more detail on what led to Sora’s disappearance. A few of the plot holes from the original game get filled in, and Sora sees things in a new light as he dives back through time once again.  Some fans were hoping everything would be resolved by the end of ReMind, but there are more questions than ever now.

Given the deluge of hints and twists layered on in ReMind, it makes sense that fans might want the ending explained. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the secret episode of Kingdom Hearts 3: ReMind. Keep in mind that there are massive spoilers ahead, so if you haven’t played the DLC, be warned.

Why Sora Disappears

At the start of ReMind, Chirithy, the being in the Final World, tells Sora that by using the Power of Awakening too much he’ll disappear from existence, and that’s exactly what happens as Sora dives through the final battles of the Guardians and looks for Kairi. All of this leads to the secret ending, where Sora appears in a nighttime version of the Final World, and runs into Yozora.

There’s an interesting bit of context in the dialogue between the two, where Yozora confirms to Sora that they aren’t in the real world and he (Yozora) isn’t really there. Somehow Yozora has heard of Sora, but he doesn’t recognize him, and even asks why he’s using Sora’s name. Before the battle starts Yozora says he wandered into Shibuya and “went through some trials.” This means his situation is the exact same as Soras, and he’s been transported out of his world as well.

The battle that ensues transports the two to the top of the 104 Building in Shibuya, Tokyo. This is the same location seen in the secret ending of the main game, and the important piece here is that it’s the “104 Building.” In actual Tokyo this is the 109 Building, but The World Ends With You’s (TWEWY) version of Tokyo rebrands it as 104.

In the 3DS game, Dream Drop Distance, Sora encounters TWEWY characters in Twilight Town, where he’s told by Joshua that they’re actually dream existences of the characters. Joshua collected their scattered pieces and created a dream version of them in Twilight Town so they could survive. Based on how similar Sora’s events and those are, we can assume that this is a “dream existence” of Sora transported, somehow, to the world of TWEWY, like they were in Twilight Town. This would also provide context to Riku’s appearance in the game’s secret ending, as he’s delved into Sora’s dreams before and still has the Power of Awakening.

The Final World is described by Chirithy as the edge of reality where hearts go just before they cease to exist, but you can also visit the realm through dreaming. Sora and Kairi are previously the only people we’ve seen visit the realm, and Kairi only because she’s with Sora. This means that Yozora is the only other one who’s been there of his own power, and has found the Power of Awakening whether he knows it or not, which factors into why he’s the one that needs to “save” Sora.

Sora and Yozora’s Connection

This now brings up just what is the connection between Yozora and Sora? The two are inextricably linked, easily evidenced by their names. Names are important in the Kingdom Hearts series, and in Japanese Sora’s name translates to “Sky,” while Yozora’s translates to “Night Sky.” The Kanji for their name is almost exactly the same too, only one character off (夜空 for Yozora and 空 for Sora).

Yozora knows who Sora is, and Sora mentions that “that girl” told him about Yozora. He’s referring to the girl without a body that he meets in the Final World, which all evidence points to being Ava, the one Foreteller who doesn’t appear in the scene where Xigbar summons them. Because Yozora was able to visit The Final World, this would be how Ava knows about him, and how she was able to tell Sora about him. But that also brings up the question of how Yozora knows Sora. Considering he brought Sora to Shibuya, Yozora could have heard about him from the TWEWY characters, or it could be part of the Master of Master’s schemes, considering we see him in the secret ending of the base game. The Master of Masters seems to be the link between everything right now, despite how little we’ve seen of him. He gave Xigbar his task, which leads to him summoning the foretellers. He sets Xehanort on his journey based on the scene at the start of ReMind, he created the Organization XIII cloaks and Chirithy, and he’s present in Shibuya with Sora, Riku, and Yozora in the secret ending.

Past this, the final scene of the secret episode shot-for-shot recreated one of the trailers for Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and the good ending holds another interesting clue. In this ending, the driver of the car wakes up Yozora, and you might notice he has the exact same voice, and voice actor, as Luxord - as well as the same haircut. ReMind hints at a secret identity for Luxord when he’s talking to Xigbar, and there’s still the matter of the wild card that he gives to Sora near the end of the game. With Luxord in the final scene of the Secret Episode, the wild card is undoubtedly going to come into play as you learn more about Yozora.

What’s Next For Kingdom Hearts?

So what’s next? That’s the question on every fan’s mind with the end of the Dark Seeker Saga. Well, the next game is Project Xehanort on mobile, likely explaining more backstory on Xehanort and his connection with the Master of Masters. With Xehanort out of the way as a villain, however, we’ll start to see more and more of the grand scheme that the Master of Masters has been building, as well as what’s in that infernal box that’s been teased for multiple games.

The final scene of Kingdom Hearts 3 features young Xehanort and Eraqus playing chess. At the beginning of the game the chessboard features thirteen pieces for Xehanort (the Seekers of Darkness) and seven for Eraqus (the Guardians of Light). In this scene, you see pieces representing the Foretellers, a bear for Aced, a snake for Invi, etc. It’s already clear the Master of Masters has been manipulating the Foretellers, and he’s going to keep doing so, making them the next set of villains.

Past that, though, everything in ReMind seems to point at an experience featuring Yozora. There are two very interesting details during the final battle that make it seem obvious Yozora is going to be a major playable character. When you defeat Yozora he floats up into the air arms hanging at his side, the exact same pose you see on the game over screen when playable characters are defeated, like Sora and Riku. He can even steal your Kupo Coin during the battle and use it to respawn, and item exclusive to Sora as the main playable character. This is a fun, meta way of the game telling you that, yes, Yozora is an important character, and a playable one, just not yet.

Considering how faithfully it references it, there could even be a reboot of Tetsuya Nomura’s Final Fantasy Versus XIII concept. Considering that sprouted into Final Fantasy XV, it won’t see the exact thing, but the ideas and themes seem to be looping into Kingdom Hearts now. At the end of ReMind and after beating Yozora, the scene sees Yozora saying the same iconic line that Sora did in the first Kingdom Hearts, “I’ve been having these weird dreams lately….” One saga is over for the series, and just like eighteen years ago a new one is about to begin.

Next: New Kingdom Hearts Game Coming Surprisingly Soon