Kim Possible was the cartoon about a high school cheerleader who spent most of her downtime going on secret missions around the world to foil the plans of a host of bad guys. Kim had at her side her trusty sidekick Ron Stoppable, his pet rat Rufus, and the man behind the computer, Wade.

There was also an assortment of amusing side characters that made Kim’s adventures so entertaining. Despite being one of Disney’s longest-running shows with four seasons, there were plenty of unresolved plotlines that the show left hanging. In some cases, leaving questions unanswered added to Kim Possible’s humor.

Where Did Josh Mankey Go?

Josh was the dreamboat at Kim’s high school for whom the eponymous character nursed a hopeless crush through most of the first season of the show. It set the stage for a number of amusing incidents, where the normally unflappable Kim tripped over her feet trying to impress Josh.

While the relationship showed some signs of blossoming into a romance, Josh just kind of disappeared sometime in Season 3. It would have been nice to see where that relationship went before Kim got serious with Ron.

Is Ron A Ticking Time Bomb?

Ron Stoppable is the lovable sidekick of Kim who is the most supportive best friend you could ever hope for. Despite his many sterling qualities, he is often more of a hindrance than anything to Kim, because of his clumsy nature and tendency to make a hash out of the simplest tasks.

But then one time Ron got zapped with Dr. Drakken’s Attitudinator, and became, you guessed it, evil. As a supervillain, Ron was far more competent and frightening than Drakken. We only got a chance to briefly see this side of Ron again in “Stop Team Go,” but we can’t help and wonder if Ron ever gave in to that side of his nature again.

Why Is Drakken So Blue?

Dr. Drarkken is one of the most entertaining villains in all of Disney, even though he was reformed by the end of the show. While we do know certain details about Drakken’s past, like that he developed a propensity for crime at a very young age and attended college with Kim’s dad, the biggest unresolved question is how did he become blue?

It’s not his natural skin color since Drakken has been shown to have a normal skin tone in a flashback. All we ever find out is that it happened on a Tuesday, which… is unsatisfying, to say the least.

Shego Had A Child Care Degree?

Of the many impressive qualities that Shego has displayed throughout the show, being good with kids is not one of them. Yet, in “Stop Team Go,” Shego temporarily becomes good and starts teaching at Kim’s school, as she has a degree in education.

The thought of Shego attending college and working towards a degree in child development with a view to getting a job in that field is a truly bizarre one, especially considering she spends almost every episode beating up a couple of teens, Kim and Ron. We’d like to know the story behind that degree.

What Was Up With Rufus 3000?

Rufus 3000 was the descendant of Rufus, the mole-rat Ron carries around in his pocket. Little is known about Rufus 3000, but what we do know makes us want to find out more. In a future where Shego has taken over the world, Rufus 3000 is part of the resistance that stands up against her.

With bulging biceps, a determined attitude and apparent military training in the use of weapons and combat, Rufus 3000 is like the Terminator version of the lovable mole-rat from the series we know and love.

The Truth Behind Team Go

Before Shego became a sidekick for Dr. Drakken, she was part of a superhero team, comprising of her brothers, all of whom had powers like hers and who collectively called themselves Team Go. This was a team of do-gooders who made an appearance later in the series, where it was strongly hinted that Shego had betrayed them in some manner before turning to the dark side.

We never find out the details of the betrayal, but it would be interesting to find out what exactly Shego had done that caused her own family to turn against her. Admittedly, this could just be a case of Shego getting annoyed by her brothers enough to finally leave the family.

The Many Hinted At Missions

One of the running gags within the show has Kim and Ron hitching a ride to the scene of a mission by someone who had earlier been helped by Kim on another mission. We never get to hear the details of these earlier missions except a few cryptic references, like the time Kim apparently helped save the manatees, or the time when she saved a dude from a hurricane.

All these incidents sound fascinating on their own, and a big departure from Kim’s usual business of foiling supervillains. These are the adventures that we wish we could have seen more of.

Her First Kiss

Despite her many talents and general lack of fear in the face of mortal danger, there is one part of the human experience that renders Kim a nervous mess: Talking to a boy she has a crush on. For the longest time, Kim was shown to be quite inept in the romance department, being unable to hold a conversation with the object of her affection, Josh Mankey.

That is why it is surprising to consider that Kim had her first kiss during her pre-teens. Little is known about the details of the incident, other than the fact that both Kim and her mystery suitor were wearing braces, which got locked together and had to be separated by an orthodontist.

The World’s Most Dangerous School?

Kim Possible battles villains on a regular basis, something that everyone in her school appears to be aware of but indifferent to. This might be because, based on hints peppered throughout the seasons, Kim might very well go to the world’s most dangerous school.

Mr. Barkin, the school principal, is responsible for most of these hints that point towards sinister goings-on at the school. Like the jellyfish incident he mentioned once, that was the reason why classes are no longer held outside. Or a teacher’s fungal experiment that went horribly wrong. Or the two times that Barkin stated he had to save the school while he was himself in his senior year.

Parents Who Are Way Too Chill

How can Kim’s parents be so chill with her adventuring? While Kim’s mother has shown concern for her daughter’s safety on a few occasions, her father seems more concerned about what boys Kim is dating than what new supervillain is trying to end her life.

It is never explained why Kim’s parents are okay with a high school cheerleader regularly taking on demented madmen who want to rule over the world, instead of, you know, calling the cops on them. That is the biggest unexplained mystery of the show.