Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige has offered his assurances that Josh Brolin playing two comic book movie roles is not a problem for him. The news that Josh Brolin is playing Cable in the upcoming Deadpool 2 came as a surprise to most, not least of all because Brolin is already portraying Thanos in the Marcel Cinematic Universe films (including, next year’s Avengers: Infinity War). For those not in the know: the X-Men movie franchise is owned by 20th Century Fox, so the characters from that series - including both Deadpool and Cable - cannot currently appear in the MCU movies.

Brolin’s casting as Cable in Deadpool 2 is nonetheless complicated for fans of the larger MCU, as it raises questions about his availability for working on both Fox’s X-Men/Marvel cinematic universe and Marvel Studios’ MCU, among other things. Thanos has been very much a background player in the MCU to date, with his appearances limited to a small role in Guardians of the Galaxy and post-credits appearances in the first two Avengers movies.

Speaking with THR, Feige offered his thoughts on Brolin playing two iconic comic book characters simultaneously, on the big screen. Essentially casting aside the question without a second thought, Feige stated:

Some Marvel fans might still ponder over the implications of the same actor portraying two famous (and quite beloved) characters from the Marvel Comics Universe, but if Feige is to be believed perhaps they don’t need to - or, rather, shouldn’t worry about that. Actors frequently take on multiple roles in any given year without straining the credulity between each individual performance, which paves the way for Brolin to do the same within the realm of superhero movies.

“We don’t have anything written into our contracts about other roles that people can do. Indiana Jones and Han Solo are the same person [and] it hasn’t been a problem. And I think Thanos and Cable are two very different characters.”

It will undoubtedly be interesting to see what Brolin has to bring to the role of Cable, and fans of the actor should feel no reason to be concerned about his ability to play two Marvel characters at once. Brolin may have initially appeared as Thanos in the MCU, but that doesn’t mean fans need to be self-occupied with his subsequent role in Deadpool 2, as Feige has been so quick to point out.

Source: THR